Since 1987 SMARTS has provided this region’s arts educators with current, relevant and practical continuing education that impacts thousands of students. SMARTS agrees with the Massachusetts Department of Education that “high quality professional development results in new learning evidenced by changed behavior, which is gained by opportunities to become aware, observe, practice, reflect, and refine (1994). The arts engender such knowledge for all learners.
To further reach our goals, we support internship opportunities, networking for artists, partnerships and alliances with local, regional, and state education and cultural institutions and arts organizations, and strong advocacy for arts education in our schools. If you are interested in collaborating with SMARTS contact the Executive Director
“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun”.
— Mary Lou Cook,
The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Take a look at past SMARTS PD Programs!
Voices in the Making
K-12 Visual Arts Professional Development
Lasell University
January 15, 2020

K-12 Job Alike PD
Visual Arts & Music Mansfield High School
STEAM/STEM Coelho Middle School
November 6, 2018

SMARTS/ARTS LEARNING Imagination Generation STEAM K-12 Workshop
February 8, 2017

K-12 STEAM Professional Development
“Learning from Nature’s Design Systems”
October 20, 2016
Rhode Island School of Design Nature Lab
Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton MA